Property Insurance Advice

Protecting your most valuable financial asset

Buildings and contents insurance is placed under the bracket of home insurance. It is a combined insurance that will cover or replace any damage that might occur to the house or its contents, including loss. It is essential for all mortgaged houses, and the majority of other homeowners who do not have a mortgage will also have this type of insurance. It is possible to get the two insurances separately, although you will find that most providers offer them as a combined cover.

This insurance is highly recommended to protect you against unforeseen circumstances. Virtually every home in the country will have this type of insurance just for that reason, and it could end up proving to be very costly if you do not take the cover out.

Why is home insurance needed?

As our homes are the most important asset that we are ever going to own, it is imperative that adequate home insurance is taken out for your property. You will never know when you will need to claim under your home insurance so it is best to make sure you are covered properly.

Statistics show that 1 in 4 people in the UK will get burgled during their lives but people still choose to ignore this and don’t get any protection whatsoever. Other unforeseen circumstances such as floods and fire may also wreak havoc among your possessions and by not getting covered properly you are taking a big risk in losing out financially.

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What types of home insurance are available?

There are two types of home insurance; Buildings insurance and contents insurance. Buildings insurance could cover the costs for repairing damage or rebuilding the structure of the building if it is damaged by events covered by your policy. Contents insurance could cover the costs of replacing your belongings if they are lost, stolen, damaged, etc. depending on what is covered by your policy. Though we all hope that it’s not needed if anything were to happen and you had not taken out contents insurance you could lose your belongings without replacement.

Remember, there are many home insurance providers out there, and looking for the right cover for your house is important because after all, they are your possessions, and looking after them should be paramount.

So put your faith in us and get in touch with us by either giving us a call on 01685 707 000 or by requesting a call back for a free initial consultation with one of our Mortgage Advisors so we can give you the advice that you need both now and for your future financial plans. It may be the most important, money-saving call you make. We would be glad to help, in any way possible.
